Purple Pack Winter Camp 2018
Purple Pack certainly took on the Winter Camp challenge!Arriving Saturday morning, the Cubs pitched their luxury accommodations (tents) before going to play some wide games on the rec.Lunch was next, with the Cubs preparing their own meal of pasta bolognese on the gas...
Rossendale District Cricket Competition 2018
After winning two games in their League and winning their semi-final, Purple Pack did an amazing job and went on to WIN the Rossendale District Cub Cricket Competition! Even with two players having to leave half way through, the four remaining players won the...
Purple Pack & 40th Cubs Bowley Camp 2018
This weekend saw two Groups from Rossendale join together for a weekend of fun in the sun at Bowley. The Cubs began the weekend with a hike into Great Harwood followed by a chippy supper and a very sleepless night! Saturday was jam packed with activities. The Cubs...