Beaver Scouts

Beaver Scouts are young boys and girls usually aged between six and eight years old. They belong to the first and youngest Section in the Scouting family. Young people can join Beaver Scouts in the three months leading up to their sixth birthday. They can move to the next Section, Cub Scouts, between seven years and six months and eight years six months.

Beaver Scouts

Easily recognised by their distinctive turquoise sweatshirts, Beaver Scouts enjoy making friends, playing games, going on visits and helping others. They usually meet together once a week in a Beaver Scout Colony.

Some Beaver Scout Colonies also organise Sleepovers. These are often the first time a young person spends a night away from home. They take place in suitable buildings, often Scout centres.

The Beaver Scout Promise is:
I promise to do my best
To be kind and helpful
And to love God.

The Beaver Scout Motto is:
Be Prepared

Beavers District Christmas Party

Beavers District Christmas Party

Beavers from across Rossendale descended on Bacup for a District Christmas Party.  A spot of music, dancing, magic and Christmas cake was the order of the day! The entertainment reached its peak when Father Christmas arrived to give everyone a present to keep...

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Santa Experience

Santa Experience

A festive spirit was in the air when Grey and Purple Beaver Colonies visited the Santa Experience at Bowley Scout Camp Site. The Beavers from both nights wrote a letter to Santa, visited the post office, Rudolph's stable, the sweet shop, Mother Christmas's Kitchen and...

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District Beavers Air Activities Badge

District Beavers Air Activities Badge

Heathrow airport be aware.  "Rossendale International" airport was open for business for the Beavers Air Activities Badge day.Beavers from across the Valley descended on the Warren for a morning of air related fun. They were asked to make paper models and fly various...

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Rossendale & Pendle Mountain Rescue

Rossendale & Pendle Mountain Rescue

Grey and Purple Beaver Colonies were very fortunate to be visited by the Rossendale & Pendle Mountain Rescue Team recently. Fresh from a lost person search in Wales, the Beavers learnt the role of the organisation and how a search and rescue operation is...

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Rossendale District Beaver Scout Olympics Fun Day

Rossendale District Beaver Scout Olympics Fun Day

Beaver Scouts from the 5th Rossendale, 21st Rossendale, 38th Rossendale (two Colonies) and 42nd Rossendale got together for an Olympic themed fun day. Each Group put on an activity or game from a different country. The 5th represented Greece, the 21st Japan, the 38th...

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Beaver Bug Hunt

Beaver Bug Hunt

Jam jars in hand and no stone unturned the bugs did not have a chance with our intrepid Beaver Scouts explorers. The Beavers visited the former Groundwork site in Rawtenstall in the search of creepy crawlies.  The star catch was a baby toad by the Grey Colony. Purple...

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Meet our new Beaver Scouts

Meet our new Beaver Scouts

Pictured on their investiture evening, we welcome our new Grey Colony Beaver Scouts. As a result of a large waiting list to join our existing Purple colony it was decided to start a 2nd night. 26 new Beavers joined up (pictured above) along with two that transferred...

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Singing Ringing Tree

Singing Ringing Tree

A total of 44 Beaver Scouts from our Grey & Purple colonies took to the hills above Burnley.  Their quest - to find the Singing Ringing Tree! For some this was the 2nd time they had ventured out, the last time was in October in the dark with their torches. Like...

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Beaver District Akeema Olympics

Beaver District Akeema Olympics

1st Place - 40th Ross - 342 Pts 2nd Place - 2nd Ross - 334 Pts 3rd Place - 43rd Ross - 309 Pts 4th Place - 38th Ross - 271 Pts 5th Place - 5th & 42nd Ross - 269 Pts 6th Place - 45th Ross - 267 Pts 10-members from our Beaver Purple Colony took part in the...

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