Beaver Scouts

Beaver Scouts are young boys and girls usually aged between six and eight years old. They belong to the first and youngest Section in the Scouting family. Young people can join Beaver Scouts in the three months leading up to their sixth birthday. They can move to the next Section, Cub Scouts, between seven years and six months and eight years six months.

Beaver Scouts

Easily recognised by their distinctive turquoise sweatshirts, Beaver Scouts enjoy making friends, playing games, going on visits and helping others. They usually meet together once a week in a Beaver Scout Colony.

Some Beaver Scout Colonies also organise Sleepovers. These are often the first time a young person spends a night away from home. They take place in suitable buildings, often Scout centres.

The Beaver Scout Promise is:
I promise to do my best
To be kind and helpful
And to love God.

The Beaver Scout Motto is:
Be Prepared

Beavers Towneley Park Adventure

Beavers Towneley Park Adventure

Towneley Park Burnley was the venue for Grey & Purple Colony Beavers to complete the final part of their Adventure Activity Badge. On meeting with the Park Ranger the Beavers were taken on a nature trail. A discussion was held regarding the foliage on the trees,...

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Purple Beavers Adventure Activity Badge

Purple Beavers Adventure Activity Badge

Purple Colony Beavers enjoyed a "journey using a new form of transport" for their Adventure Activity Badge. The Beavers were treated to a ride on a horse & trap being pulled by a pony called Mary. Many questions were asked about the pony and everyone enjoyed the...

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Purple Colony Animal Friend

Purple Colony Animal Friend

Following on from last month's successful visit to Pets at Home Burnley, the store was once again invaded by Beavers.  This time it was the turn of the Purple Colony to undertake their Animal Friend badge. The Beavers had the opportunity to meet and stroke Rabbits,...

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The Wheels on the Bus …..

The Wheels on the Bus …..

The number 63 bus from Rawtentstall was the scene when Grey Colony Beavers undertook part of their Adventure Activity Badge. Clutching their £1 coins the Beavers climbed aboard the bus and paid their fee. Setting off to a chorus of "The wheels on a bus....." everyone...

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Grey Colony Animal Friend

Grey Colony Animal Friend

Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters, Gecko and snakes were just some of the animals that the Grey Beaver Colony met when they visited the Pets at Home store in Burnley as part of their Animal Friend Activity Badge. They learnt what care was required for each of the animals...

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District Beaver Akeema Shield

District Beaver Akeema Shield

Grey and Purple Beaver Colonies took part in the Rossendale District Akeema Shield Competition. Activities included skipping, box & broom, egg & spoon, hockey, a sack race and a "Twister" memory game. 43rd Rossendale were the eventual winners with the 38th...

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Grey Beaver’s 1st Birthday

Grey Beaver’s 1st Birthday

Grey Beaver Colony celebrated their first Birthday since their formation in April 2012. They played a number of party games including musical chairs, pass the parcel and dunking apples before taking him a piece of the specially prepared birthday cake. Next year will...

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Purple Beaver Colony Faith & Imagination Badge

Purple Beaver Colony Faith & Imagination Badge

A family Scouts Own Service was held at Sion Baptist Church, Newchurch. Combining elements of the Faith & Imagination badges, the Purple Colony Beavers prepared puppets and face masks to act out the story of the Feeding of the Five Thousand and Noah's Ark. As an...

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Grey Beaver Colony Emergency Aid

Grey Beaver Colony Emergency Aid

With help from the Rossendale First Responders, our Grey Beaver Colony recently gained their Emergency Aid Badge 1. The Beavers watched videos on what to do in an emergency situation. They learnt D.R.S.A.B.C (Danger, Response, Shout for help, Airway, Breathing and...

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Grey Beaver Colony Creative Challenge Badge

Grey Beaver Colony Creative Challenge Badge

Grey Beaver Colony recently gained their Creative Challenge Badge by performing a Puppet Show for their parents. The first play explained about the Chinese Zodiac and its connection to the 12 animals that represent each Chinese year. This was followed by the story of...

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