Grey Pack Marl Pitts Hike_2016_1Grey Pack Marl Pitts Hike_2016_2Grey Pack Marl Pitts Hike_2016_3
Grey Pack decided to take advantage of the lighter evenings to hike in a circular route around Marl Pits Sports Centre.  Thirty cubs attended and were challenged to answer a series of questions relating to locations on the map which each Six were provided with.  This tested both the ability to read a map and observe the local surroundings.

Luckily any rain held off although the route was still muddy in places.   The 38th “Boot Bank” was in attendance ensuring everyone had appropriate footwear for the route – we now have a good supply of boots (and other outdoor gear) for use by the Young Members (please contact your Section Leader if you need help) and donations of additional equipment are always welcome.

The competition was tight with three of the Sixes tying for the lead.  Eventually Orange Six emerged victors by correctly answering the tie break question first.  Well done to all the Cubs for making the evening a success.  A massive thank you to the Leaders and parents for their support and without whose help we are not able to run these events.

For more photos from the evening, view our Facebook Album.

Grey Pack Marl Pitts Hike_2016_4Grey Pack Marl Pitts Hike_2016_5Grey Pack Marl Pitts Hike_2016_6

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